“I decided to invest in my well-being, because I was lonely and lost. On the heels of the pandemic and a devastating miscarriage, I followed a series of perfectly timed signs and connections that led me to Lacy and this experience, an experience that was more impactful than I could have ever anticipated and one that I will hold close to my heart always. Lacy was open and willing to speak with me as much as I needed in order to commit to this community. I felt blind, much of the language/terminology was unfamiliar and I was only in the very early stages of self awareness and doing “the work” to live a more peaceful life. Lacy and the other women were the kind of people you pray to enter your life, so kind, open, and they make you feel safe, it is just easy to be around them. As the weeks turned into months, I noticed my ability to self regulate evolve. I was learning more about my truest desires and what makes me, me. I saw myself turning inward to address emotions, instead of looking for validation from others. I felt less defensive, more aware, and more authentic. I cherish the friendships I found in the women around me during this experience and I would recommend it to anyone that desires learning more about themselves, finding true connection, or just enjoys learning and personal growth. There really aren’t adequate words to express the level of gratitude I have for Lacy and her calling to create this program for women like me.”