Yoga. Dance. Fitness.
Holistic Health Coaching.
for Mind + Body + Soul.

Hi, I’m Lacy, as the owner of the studio, I am thrilled to open the doors and welcome you here to Dreamweaver Wellness. I am a wife, mother of two, a Somatic Movement & Yoga Instructor, and certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.
Dreamweaver Wellness is more than just a yoga studio. It is a space to dream, grow and evolve. This is a place for MOVEMENT, in service to those who know we are not “stuck” in the web of life, rather we accept ourselves as the powerful creators of our realities. We are all weavers, linking together seemingly disparate threads of interests and passions, from our past, present, and future, to create a magnificent tapestry that is our life happening FOR us, not to us.
It is my pleasure to introduce the team of yoga instructors, offering classes to inspire, uplift, rejuvenate and MOVE you. Thank you for being here.